Cllr. Paul Cuddihy, Cllr. David FitzGerald, |
It is a great privilege to introduce the Annual Report for 2011. This report contains details of the wide variety of services provided by Kilkenny Local Authorities, which underpin the very basic needs and requirements of the people of Kilkenny. In a period of continued economic challenge it is worth noting the very valuable role that both local authorities play in providing essential core services such as housing, roads, water & emergency services and in supporting local communities through the arts, heritage & conservation, libraries and community & enterprise functions. In the light of reductions in available finance and reducing numbers being employed, both Authorities have continued to modernise their operations and secure improved efficiencies in the way that they do their business. Progress has been achieved in many areas: on financial management, procurement, new information technologies, developing communications systems, and significant changes to structural reform of services, including the development of "business units" in place of the more traditional sections and the ongoing development of shared services. Kilkenny City and County has a rich cultural and heritage tradition. The councils are intent on maximising Kilkenny's attractiveness as a centre of tourism excellence and are determined to take every and any opportunity to promote Kilkenny and to work to attract investment in our County to enable us to weather the difficult times in which we find ourselves. Both Authorities have undertaken a number of initiatives to promote Kilkenny as a location for investment including the establishment of an economic development unit. Key activities were carried out to build relationships with businesses and stakeholders, embed the county's strengths as a great place to work, ensure a positive and robust environment is in place to support business and communicate with a targeted broad audience of local, regional, national and multinational sectors. Finally, we would like to sincerely thank Manager, Joe Crockett and all the councils' staff, we commend their commitment and dedication and we look forward to continued progress, working with all of the people of Kilkenny in making Kilkenny a better place to live in, work and visit. |